Frequently Asked Questions

Besides providing the most personalized nutrition and workout plans with realistic goals and targets, one of the most important things I offer is accountability. I provide support for all my clients throughout the week, almost on a daily basis, to ensure that they have their questions answered and that they are putting in the necessary work. Whether for in-person or online clients, I have created a community for them so we can all uplift and inspire each other. We also do weekly check-ins to ensure that their form is correct, which they demonstrate by sending me videos. I am also always educating myself to learn new ways to better train them.

I preach this all the time: consistency is key. Stick to the plan and follow it successfully. Aiming for 100% is unrealistic, but 80% is incredibly realistic and definitely doable for long-term sustainability, which is my main approach. This applies to both working out consistently and following meal plans consistently. Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym, and muscle growth can only be optimized by eating clean and hitting your assigned macros or meal plan.

Helping people get healthy, mentally and physically. I enjoy being someone’s support and building relationships with my clients. A lot of my clients over the years have become really close friends of mine. It’s more than just being a trainer; I don’t really like that term. I prefer being a coach because I truly care about people.

I used to work at a corporate gym that cared only about making money and taking advantage of people. I chose not to be like that.

I have achieved amazing results for myself, and at the time of typing this, over 100 people have lost over 50 pounds working with me. I am knowledgeable and always continuously learning, and I genuinely care about your success. I also guarantee results. So if you stick to the plan that we create customized for you and you don’t get the results you’re looking for, I will refund you. That is how confident I am in my system and my abilities to help you.

I do offer online coaching. Over 50% of my business is through online coaching, so I can cater to and help a larger audience. I need to emphasize this: This is not the same thing as online training/Zoom training. I will not ever sit on a Zoom call with you to yell at you to do jumping jacks while you work out; it is incredibly unproductive. I will write you a customized plan, teach you how to follow it, text you almost every day, and then also have weekly check-ins to make sure that you’re moving in the right direction. You’re also part of the community, so that will motivate you. I’m also available to answer any questions. This option is more affordable than in-person training.


My gym and equipment are sanitized after workouts with clients. Masks are completely optional. It is up to you; however, I will not be wearing one.

The level of support clients can expect from me between sessions is unparalleled in the fitness industry, for both online and in-person coaching. I take pride in the wealth of additional resources available. This includes access to a community group chat, an e-learning platform, and weekly check-ins. Clients can track their progress using various metrics, alongside monitoring their weight and updating progress photos. Plus, they have access to 24/7 support, a testament to my commitment to their success.

Investing in your health is investing in your one and only life, and I guarantee the results will reflect this commitment. I understand budgetary constraints and have experience working with clients on tight budgets, including those with part-time, minimum wage jobs. While my ability to assist may be limited for budgets under $100 a month, I am determined to do my utmost to accommodate your needs. If this is you, reach out to me by email or DM, and I will provide some free resources to aid you on your weight loss journey.

Having over five years of experience training clients both in-person and online, and with over eight years of personal workout experience, I’ve maintained a record free of injuries. This includes never having an in-person client or an online client sustain injuries under my training. I emphasize extensive mobility work to ensure everyone warms up and cools down properly, prioritizing safety alongside effectiveness in all programs.